Dec 2, 2005

I bought milk yesterday

And I always notice the expiration date. IT WAS DECEMBER 17TH!!! MY MILK WILL EXPIRE AFTER WE MOVE!!!! Isn't that exciting??

I'm sure you are shaking your head and googling the nearest looney bin for me, but there's logic in my post, I promise. As long as I have been a grocery shopper (more than ten years now) I have noticed expiration dates, especially on milk products. When there is something big in my life coming up, say a birthday or a trip to look forward to, I know it's close when the expiration dates are that day! Does that make sense? Because usually the expiration date is only 10 days to 2 weeks out. I'm silly, but it's a big thing to me. Two weeks from today I will be unpacking in my new house, meeting my new neighbors and seeing *gasp* my new studio space! I'M SO EXCITED! (in case you couldn't tell)

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