Feb 12, 2006

Oh my long weekend.

I am so wiped out again. It's the good, happy, healthy wiped out that comes from doing what you really love until you just can't do any more. I say that and it's 3:28 in the afternoon and I have my thoughts on a co-written sermon left to finish and a game to plan and service to get enthused for. Yep, I said co-written sermon. Rob and I are tag-teaming it tonight, speaking on Modesty and Purity- Essential Characteristics of a Modern Day Christian. I have my half rough drafted - but it needs polishing. I'm so wiped out though, I needed to reboot my brain and blogging is generally a good way to accomplish that.

Great weekend. Gotta hand it to Kim, the girl sure can party. Sarah was an insaniac. She chose to boycott sleep most of Friday night and I'm still running on jet-lag from that. Had a blast visiting MudHouse and slurping up my favorite coffee/sugar/milk concoction. We stayed up way too late talking about everything under the sun with Rob - great conversation. I feel like God's really doing that in our lives lately, opening us up to amazing conversation with the people around us. Last nightafter we got home, Matt & Tiff came over to help move furniture and wound up staying a couple hours just chilling.

We visited my two favorite stores in Springfield, Forever Memories and Creations Unlimited. Shockingly enough, I spent too much on way cool things that totally inspire me. The coolest thing I bought was a massive star stamp from Hot Potatoes and another KI floral transparency. Also picked up some crazy green glitter glue and a handful of ric rac. Very excited to scrap. Hopefully tomorrow.

I hurt my wrist somehow. Probably schlepping furniture. I have carpal, so it doesn't take much to really bugger them up. But I had a hard time last night and cooking and everything today - especially wrestling Sarah to change her - has been tough. Please be praying about it for me, it's really a hassle having a handicap in this house.

Had a great visit with Karen. It was fun to shop with her. Sarah was being a real pill, so I felt bad we couldn't hang out more. She gave Rob a super cool book Taming the Liger - a devotional book about Napolean Dynamite. So sad how that movie is taking over our life!

Well, I had probably better get to my talk, time is ticking. Sure enjoying our furniture! Just as I typed that - someone stopped to pick up our old couch from the side of the road. Hope it blesses someone. I love our new living room. I'll post pictures later. Can't shake off this feeling of being super-blessed. I can't wait till tonight after youth. Rob and I are ordering a pizza and curling up for Grey's. woohoo. Might really post my sermon notes later too. Luckkeeeee.


Anonymous said...

Just want you to know how much I love you--just the person you are makes me smile. Me (the only "me" you know)

The Sermonator said...

You are blessed! Just enjoy and give God glory for it! Stupendous weekend, what fun! Thanks so much for sharing it!

Anonymous said...

what? there's another "me?"