Apr 26, 2006

getting catcalls

This picture was taken in Saint Michel, our last day in Paris. Mom visited the Cluny Museum (medieval times - aka tapestries galore) while Char and I enjoyed one last shopping outing in Paris. So glad we did, it was on that trip I found my awesome beaded necklace and the cute blue poet/schoolgirl shirt. Anyhoo, as soon as we left Mom at the (George) Cluny, literally not 50 feet from the entrance, these construction guys started hooting and hollering at us. This certainly wasn't the first time we had been 'appreciated' but I happened to have my camera out and they made it memorable!

If I hadn't busted my box open before, this page definitely does it. YES, that's lipstick up the side. It just seemed appropriate. Paris is so sexy, I thought my page needed a little bit of over-the-top-ness too! Love the giant flowers stapled to the side, you can say it - I'm off my rocker and I'm loving it!!! I am really enjoying that random floral paper underneath too, just throwing all kinds of things in the mix today.

1 comment:

The Sermonator said...

Ah to be young! The only cat calls I ever hear are "Here kitty, kitty, kitty."