May 12, 2008


Well, we are live posting from Correctionville, IA today. No, it's not a prison town, just a place where they made a mistake when they were laying the roads and they fixed it right here in this little town. Anyhoo, this is the town where I spent the last ten years of my childhood and there are definitely some good memories. I went for a walk with my folks yesterday and took this adorable photo of Sarah.


Anonymous said...

hi anna,

i was wondering if you could send me a referral for i want to join, but figure that if you are already on it - maybe it would help you get some points as well!

thanks, leah

PS: i hope you and charlotte have a nice time visiting your family.

Anonymous said...

yeah, I was wondering the same thing leah.

Can you refer me there as well?


Neat blog. :)

antho said...

sure thing. I need an email address to send it to.