Jun 3, 2008

Spend Some Time in My Head This Morning

I'm just waking up still. Trying to adjust to a new non-schedule of summer, kwim? It's been a little wierd, the three of us tripping over each other in our house all day yesterday. We seriously needed to go out of doors and get some running out of our system. Today we are headed to the beach in Freeport to spend some serious cousin time with Sara and Ernie, Karl and Erik. The kids are so excited, Sare popped into our room at 7am saying she was ready to go to the beach. Of course, I wasn't really awake after staying up too late to watch Things We Lost In The Fire - wow, a moving movie, I totally cried. (I love David Duchovany - ever since his x-file days, not in a 'he's hot' kind of way, more of a 'he could be your best friend' kind of way).
Yesterday was kind of tough, I'm not really sure why. I'm just kind of worn down and wiped out. It's been creeping up on me all week. I did manage to get my professional print order in (finally) and a snapfish order.
I officially fell in love with ttv frames yesterday and started to play with them on Photoshop. Which I'm loving photoshop, it's just a little overwhelming to learn it. That's next week's goal, to really play with it. iPhoto was a great place to start for me, but I know there is so much more out there to do! Anyhoo, I was messing around and made this fun photo from a shoot from last week.
Speaking of shoots, it's really slowed down and it's bumming me out. I probably need the break, since it's been a little insane lately, but my little brain needs to create. Maybe I need to run a special or something?? I do have some things on the calendar, but the next two weeks are super slow. Two weeks feels like an eternity. But today I will get to photograph my cuz and her family and my family, so that should feed my artistic need for a bit, right?
Ok, well, I probably need to get going, it's an hour and a half drive and I haven't even gotten our stuff together yet. I'm just moving slow today, I guess.

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