Nov 28, 2008

More Roof Photos

Here's a little photo to give you an idea of the pitch of the roof. And yes, it's even steeper when you are up there than it looks from the ground. I seriously cannot believe I've been up there. Many times at this point. I never successfully made it to the peak though, I've discovered I just don't transition well - moving from one toe hold (fancy term for a tiny little board strip nailed in with three nails) to another, climbing up and down or across, and most of all transitioning from the roof to the extension ladder. I about biffed it getting down for lunch this morning and that was pretty terrifying. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm super clutzy and am probably about the last person you would want to put on a roof. But I've survived. And now we are getting really close to done. There's about 10 square feet left on one side at the peak, with a bunch of pipes and vents (boo) to cut around, and then the front side of the house, which already has a good chunk laid in. It's very exciting! Unfortunately, I have a shoot in the morning, not unfortunate because I love shooting, but sad because I'm really enjoying being a help up there and on the ground as well.

Here's our crew before we went up this morning. I've got to tell you, we have such a comradery going, it's way fun. Who knew that roofing could be fun? But seriously, I cannot think of four people I'd rather risk life and limb with! And actually, our little crew expanded quite a bit this afternoon, adding in Matt and Ryan, and man, we started to click when we could keep a person on the ground (yay me!) and two on the roof throwing shingles and 3 guns going and another guy nailing ridgecaps and schlepping shingles.
Kim's looking pretty buff here. She blew me away today! She stayed on the roof literally all day, perched up there like a bird on a branch.
Bev has been equally amazing, helping with the kids and dinner! We could not have been up there without her!
Me and Kimmie. Love this shot.
Bart and Ricky were amazing, along with Rob, just crawling around like spider monkeys. It was so cool! They didn't even use ropes most of the time.
This guy just totally has my heart. I believe that with him, I could do anything. Definitely a keeper.

Oh, and today I lifted shingles up the ladder for everyone, up over my head. I have asphalt in places ladies should never have shingles. wow.

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