Jul 10, 2006

Six Flags and other delights....

Day one of vacation. I feel relaxed and happy and tired all at once. We woke up with no clue what we were going to do today. We had been tossing around the idea of season passes to Six Flags for quite some time, but were reluctant to commit to the $200 it would cost us. Finally at about 8am we decided that Six Flags was really the way we wanted to spend our vacation. It took us forever to get out the door, but it was so worth it...

Eli rode his first rollercoaster - the Mine Car. He loved it, went a second time right then and there. Sarah rode basically every other ride with him, which totally blew me away. She has no fear. Her favorite was the Log Flume, as was Eli's. Rob and I didn't do any major rides, but couldn't believe what a great time we had with all the kiddie things. Not sure what we are doing tomorrow yet, resting or the Zoo or back to Six Flags, but I'm leaning towards going back, now we have a season parking permit too. :) Hope you enjoy the pictures!!

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