Aug 8, 2008

realife strikes again.

Every two weeks my life turns upside down in preparation for realife. Today was a perfect example. It's cool though, I love realife and I believe in it's cause. Anyhoo, today I was making these fun inserts for the bulletin (really poor picture, but you'll get the idea)...
When I accidently printed 200 copies for the bulletin, instead of the needed 100 (because there are two on every sheet. So, being my frugal self, I couldn't justify sending them right to the recycle bin. Especially because they are full color and we pay for every copy. (bummer) They are date specific, so I couldn't reuse it down the line. So my hot little brain started thinking about what I could do with an extra 100 flyers. And this is what I came up with....

I think we'll grab a little attention. What do you think??

PS - that's my terrible camera on my way-too-expensive phone that cuts out when I'm talking to people. Need to go back to Verizon. AGAIN. blah.


Anonymous said...

OK, first off, I loved, loved, loved the postcard, and I think after this week, I needed to know that I am more than the sum of my household responsibilities. But, can I just say that the insert mural is just inspired genius? That is so awesome - you totally rock, girl!

antho said...

thanks! I'm uber excited about it, can you tell? Hopefully senior staff won't be annoyed. :) There was no one in the office to ask and the secretaries thought it was cool.