Feb 12, 2011

I'm Not Quite Dead!!

sorry, we recently re-watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail (editing out the yucky parts) and now I have quotable lines from that movie traipsing through my head. :)

Autumn was in town for the Light for the Lost banquet, so we had the honor of hosting her in our tiny home. Rob tracked down the movie because she had never seen it. We had a responsibility to show her. We had a lot of fun.

This is the card I gave Rob for Valentine's Day, a few days early. I thought it was so us. We celebrated with our kiddos this evening, it was really nice. Fettucini alfredo, asparagus, crustry french rolls and strawberry shortcake. mmmm... happy tummies.

Got a cute Valentine's story to share. Last week we had dinner with the Morgans, whom we love. Anyhoo, our kids are all friends so they wanted to ride from the church to the restuarant together in the Morgans van. So Rob and I went on our own, got there first and as we got out of the car they were all walking into the restuarant laughing at us. Asking why, Pastor Aaron told us that he and Shannon wondered what we were still doing in the car once we got there. Sarah told them "They're having a moment. They do that a lot."

priceless. I'm glad she notices, and knows that we need moments. I pray all the time that we can be biblical marriage role models for our kiddos. It's important that they know what a healthy Christian marriage looks like, and hopefully they'll pursue that in their own lives one day.

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