Jan 5, 2012

Holiday Highlights

Please note, I only say holiday because it includes Christmas and New Year's as well as several events in and around. I firmly believe in CHRISTmas and wished a merry one to everyone I saw everywhere I went this season.

That being said, we had an absolutely beautiful and meaningful Christmas. It was precious to stay home and enjoy being a family.

These photos are in no particular order.

We got the kids all dressed up and took them to Cheesecake Factory for a very special Christmas meal. It was fantastically yum and I'm not even exaggerating a little.

Christmas Day we went to church of course. And Santa swung by our house for some additional gift giving since he'd been by the day before since he knows we are pastors. ;)

I took the kids for Christmas hot cocoa before church that day. They loved it!

My sister, Char, came to visit and run a half marathon in November. It was so good to see her!

We attended a rocking 80's New Years party. I got a good kiss on New Year's night, first time in 13 years of New Years. (we are usually with students at a lock-in).

I'm still crazy in love with this guy. He proposed to me fifteen years ago last month. How is that possible?? I remember thinking on our wedding day that I couldn't possible love him more than I did that moment. Glad I was wrong! I love him even more now and every day since!

Very excited little people on Christmas morning.

getting ready to read Luke 2, our pre-present opening tradition. Remembering that Jesus was the very best present ever!!

Hanging out with my dear sweet friend, Jen and her awesome family of awesome. We took in the lights down on the Riverwalk with about four million other tourists.

Doesn't everyone remember the Alamo at Christmastime? :)

Me and the kiddos at the Riverwalk. Rob had worship practice. sadface. But we still had a blast.

Birthday party for Jesus! We honored the true reason for the season! Thank you, Lord!

Beautiful lights on the river. A beautiful season we will treasure in our hearts for years to come.

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