Jun 28, 2006

Five things I like about myself...

Today's blogger challenge on 2peas. I really need to check in with that more often, it's always an interesting post...

Unfortunately - five things I dislike about myself is far more easy to think of... Maybe I'll start there and then work on five things I like...


1) I ALWAYS worry what people think. Ergh, it's so annoying! It's consuming and frustrating and only leads to disappointment. Such a guilt-driven mentality. I really wish I could just not care, but it's not in line with being a pastor's wife I guess.

2) I'm so not a good mom. I get frustrated and angry and burnt out. I crave alone time and silence and SPACE!!! I miss my bubble.

3) I'm really retentive when it comes to money. No matter how much I have always worry that it won't be enough. And I know that God will provide, I just have a hard time letting my head rest in that. Does that make sense??

4) I'm usually fiscally irresponsible. I should just operate against my gut instinct, and that would probably be a smarter move. Thankfully I surround myself with smart friends and ask for help often.

5) Just chilling is not my thing. I'm constantly moving, changing, worrying, spinning around. I wish I was better about just hanging out with my kids and not trying to do everyone's laundry. Being a mom is hard that way.

So now, can I find five things I like???

1) I'm FINALLY developing a firm sense of self. I know what I like and I like things long term, rather than changing my mind 15 seconds down the road. That's a good place to be.

2) I am really good at serving others. Probably too good, to the point of self-neglect. But overall it is a great quality in a person. right?

3) I'm creative. It's my super power, I think. I don't believe in boxes - I'd rather bust right out of them and do my own thing. Like six different colors of fiestaware that don't really go together - but that's ok!! I like it!

4) I'm capable of change. I can identify the things in myself that I don't like and work to make them better. I set goals and work towards change and usually it works. A lot of people can't do that.

5) I am driven. (again to the point of fault). I get an idea in my head and I won't rest until it's completed. My house is a great example of that. I really enjoy the feeling of a job well-done. Or at least done. :)

There you be. The ins and outs of me. G-night.

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