Jun 3, 2006

Kind of been in my own world lately.

Guess I haven't been blogging much. Sorry about that. Working some things through in my mind, things I'm not quite ready to share with the world wide web, if you know what I mean.

Lots going on here. Rob's working on his sermon this morning, finishing it up for tomorrow. We went on a family bike ride first thing, seriously back by nine am. It was good to get out and exercise, something that is suddenly getting more important to me. Love the fresh air - as long as it's not too hot or too buggy. Eli had a lot of trouble on his bike though, started crying and refusing to move. He played with some of the neighborhood kids yesterday and I think he took some (biking) risks that he regretted and got scared. Rob and I felt mean, but we pushed him to bike anyway. This is something we really want to do as a family, since we just bought a new bike for Rob and a helmet/baby seat for Sarah. Plus, it's great exercise and a good way to get to know our town. Personally, I love it, it doesn't feel like work at all, and I even rode the bike with Sarah today, it's not as sporty as Rob's bike.

I stepped out on a limb last night. I went to the lss by myself for a crop. It was a really productive time for me - six pages. Five of which I did in the first two hours, but then the last one got really pokey. But it was ok, I was chatting with Ashley, the store owner and we really have a lot in common. I'm glad I went. I'm anxious to scrapbook more, I'm in a groove. I'll probably get lucky to get both kids to sleep this afternoon and hole up in my studio (where I belong - hee hee).

I need to clean house, again.... but I get so sick of it. That's what I did yesterday morning, all morning. And 24 hours later it needs it again. ergh. It's a little overwhelming.

Rob and I saw x3 yesterday afternoon. It was awesome. Such a good flick. Nice to hang with Rob. We had (free) caseys' pizza for supper. It was a good day.

Looking forward to a laid back day before a rushed sunday.

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