Sep 4, 2010

School Of Ministry

Gosh, I wish I had a photo for today's adventures! :) My stories will just have to do. I worked yesterday in the office until 4pm. It was a great office day, very slow, but then I had a lot of time to work on my Synoptic Gospels course. Which, I am on the very last lesson of the last unit. Almost. there. not. much. longer. Kills me, cause I was trying to finish that before I started the next one, which is A/G history and government. Seems to be a much easier course, not so obtuse. Don't get me wrong, I love Jesus and thoroughly have enjoyed and appreciated the deep study into the gospels, it's just so very much to wrap your brain around, with all the parables and deeper meanings/truths. Trying to memorize and apply it to your life simultaneously, well, brain mush happens fast. It feels like I've been slow to absorb the information, but I'm trying to sew it into the fabric of my life, not just grasp enough to pass the test.

Anyhoots, ironically I would have finished the first course yesterday if I hadn't had a total lightbulb moment and paused to 'jot down a few thoughts' on a potential sermon cropping up in my head. An hour and a half later I had a really exciting sermon written, but had lost an hour and a half on my classwork. oops. So I'm not quite there. But super close. :) And I'm aware that close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, but I'm still counting it as a win.

So I left yesterday afternoon and made the trip in a record 3 and a half hours. Got to see Jen, get a hair cut and some touch ups on my highlights. We stayed up way too late talking with Bart. It was great. And playing with her iPad, which I want soooo bad that it's not even right! I can totally see where it would be life-impacting. Especially with these classes.

Finally went to bed last night a little after midnight, and totally couldn't sleep. I was so excited for my class. I'm a school nerd, I love the classroom, the interaction, the exchange of knowledge and curiousity. I was not disappointed. My class today was challenging, insanely fast paced, and exciting. I can't wait to break into the book and really absorb the information. I am an eager student, for sure! Trying to decide if I'll force myself to finish my first class before I delve into this second one?? I really should..

Had a remarkably uneventful journey home. Enjoyed beginning to relisten to Crazy Love, which is an amazing and uncomfortable book by Francis Chan. I originally listened to it on my big MN trip last month. I need to get Rob to listen to it, cause I can't wait to discuss it with him. Spent a bit of time with Dave Ramsey on podcast, too. I love technology, obviously.

Best part of the day was coming home and debriefing my entire class with Rob. It's so cool because he's genuinely interested in the course we discussed, the interactions and conversations I had. It was really fun. I am so grateful for his support, both emotionally and with the kids.

Anyway, I'm exhausted and happy and just too excited about persuing the call that God set in my heart back in June. Right now, if I can keep the pace, I'm on track for preaching certificate in either April or May. I'll take the summer off and be set for begin license courses in August, finishing them up in March. The long term plan is ordination at 35. And if I focus and stay on track, that is not an impossible goal at all. Very exciting stuff.

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