Oct 13, 2010

I'm Here!!

I bet you were starting to wonder? :) I'm here and everything is going fabulously. A few hiccups with overwrought schedules, but mostly just blessed beyond belief and growing in leaps and bounds! Today I take my final for Relationships and Ethics in Ministry which has probably been my favorite course thus far in the credentialing process. The more I study, the more I realize how utterly dependant I am on God and the Holy Spirit to make it through these courses. Good Night! :) But it's been so healthy, coming face to face with my inadquacies only makes me lean harder on God and focus more on my relationship with Him.

Which leads me to 10/10/10, a program we've started with our students. Basically we are devoting ourselves to 10 minutes per day devoted to each; worship, prayer, and bible study. I've seen this work wonders in my life and I'm honestly at a point where it's difficult to limit myself to 30 minutes a day with God, so I don't unless my schedule is really jam packed. But I find other points in the day to remain in touch with Him; praying in the shower, while I'm doing my routine in the morning, jamming out to worship in the car to and from school and work. You have opportunities, seize them!!

Well, I'm off to work and then Women's Retreat tomorrow. I'll be in touch!

PS - the photo is from a random old church we found while taking a family convertible drive last week. I've been trying to be very intentional about unplugging from my 'tasks' and spending specific time with the Rob and the kids lately, otherwise I find I never give them my full attention. Not good!

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