Aug 17, 2011

Sarah's Birthday Bash

Oh, it was a party! We'd been scheming for weeks now, especially fueled by my recent addiction to We found lots of owl inspiration. It all started with the cake. At a doctor appointment in May we noticed this cake in Family Fun magazine and Sarah said she wanted to do an owl birthday party this year.

I may have gone overboard a bit. Turns out, it's really easy to draw owls and I'm pretty good at it. So we had owl everything...



gift bags.

Magnets to go home with the kiddos. (they were especially hard to part with)

cups for the kiddos to use and keep.

owl sandwhiches.

and a one of a kind tshirt for the birthday girl..

This is what the living room looked like.

we had four guests.

and made wishes.

and opened gifts.

This was Sarah's big gift. I'd hunted on Craigslist for three months and then one day Rob's mom called and said she'd like to help with it. yay!! So we wound up purchasing a brand new one for a great price on Barnes and It literally came in at 2:45 on the day of the party. Rob went into covert operations and had it put together before her friends arrived at 4pm. She was more than a little excited!

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