Apr 11, 2008

Expo is Fun Again!!

If you are a long time blog follower of mine, you may remember me ranting and raving about Expotv on a regular basis. Well, Expo went through a bit of a lull in my life, unfortunately. They had changed a lot of the way they approved things and the categories and my world just got full with other things. Now, I still continued to contribute through this dry time, but I wasn't super excited about it the way I had once been.
Well, times have changed baby and once again I'm delighted to be contributing scrapbooking and home product reviews to the world of Expo. If you haven't checked out this site, you really need to. It's easy to contribute to and very rewarding. You can earn up to $10 a video if it's well-lit, well-presented, thought out and thorough.

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