Jul 9, 2007

Not so much on the blogging lately.

I apologize. I've had a lot on my plate. In fact, this past week I can't seem to get enough sleep. I think my body is just finally revolting against the last two months of insanity! I've been big on deep thinking and prayer lately, but just haven't had a lot of access to the internet to post. Also, we've been so busy with getting settled and getting our lives set up here in Texas.

I can't believe we live in Texas. how did that happen?

I say that, but I really like it here. There are definitely downsides (ie: fire ants, hurricanes, 91% humidity - I'm not exaggerating) but over all I feel like we are a really good fit, now that we have a car with air conditioning. We love our church already, our senior pastors are amazing people and we are so excited to work with them. We are finally meeting with them tomorrow, which is kind of funny because as of tomorrow we have been here 2 full weeks already! insane! Pastor has been really ill with a inner ear problem, so we haven't gotten to spend any time with him, so I'm really looking forward to us all connecting tomorrow. Plus, the kids are heading out to a babysitter, so we'll have grown up conversation and that sounds good to me!

I feel really behind already. Can you be behind when you've only lived somewhere for 2 weeks? I just haven't hardly worked for Expo at all this month (so frustrating) and I have so much in the way of paperwork to catch up on, oh, and housework! But at the same time I'm trying to enjoy the summer with the kids because Eli will be trying public again in the fall and Sarah starts pre-school too. I want to enjoy them while I have them home! I have no idea what will happen in the fall, I'm toying with the idea of a job, the extra income would really help with a house payment now. :) But I'm so committed to all my commitments already, I don't know...

Well, Rob shut off the tv, so I guess it's time to crawl into bed and let tomorrow take care of itself. toodles.

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