Mar 3, 2009

Lost Change, Lost Souls

One day last week Eli and I were making a quick Wal-mart run when he halted dead in his tracks in the parking lot - squealed with delight and picked up a penny off the asphalt. "Lost Change, Lost Souls, Mom". I was confused at first, thinking he was spewing some new age nonsense, and then he slowed down a bit (and explained things to his old mom) that it was a new Buddy Barrel/BGMC drive at church. When you see lost change, think of lost souls. My heart about broke right there in front of the cart return. My eight year old boy was pointing out to me the hurt and lost people in this world. This kid has a heart of gold, I'm serious. Anyway, I've been thinking about it all week and I'm going to share it with our teenagers tomorrow night during our Speed the Light offering. And because I'm a visual learner and I assume everyone else is too, I wanted to include a little bit of visual aides. Eli was more than willing to give me a hand - actually two hands. So the first photo is to remind us about the importance of each soul, and just a little bit of money can make the difference in helping a missionary reach the life of one person. And the second is to remind us how many souls are out there and how giving more can do even more for God.

It's cool to think about how each one of us are important enough to God to stop in the Walmart parking lot and pick up as thought we are a brilliant treasure, rather than a dirty, tarnished, nearly worthless penny.

I'd like to think I'll never look at a penny the same way again.

Then, on a total aside...

We are having a babysitter for the kids this evening and they asked "what are you doing at church tonight?"

How sad is it that our kids only think we would ever get a babysitter for church activities?

1 comment:

mommascrapbooks said...

How sweet are the kiddos? What a great story, and you have written it all down so you don't ever forget it. Nice!