Nov 10, 2009

I was waiting for a client this afternoon and forgot to bring a book or a to-do list or anything other than my iPod, and even that keeps kicking off my downloaded translation of my bible. Normally I use that kind of 'waiting' down time to read scripture, or study my memory verses, or go over my calender and mentally prep for the things that lay ahead. But today, I was off my game and just sat for a few moments and thought. One of the things I thought about is how much I miss blogging on a regular basis. Life is just moving way too fast right now and I haven't even had a chance to write it down! Thankfully, I have been much more faithful to my quiet times, so at least I'm not losing my mind! :)

Photography has been busy. Church has been insanely busy. The laundry and dishes and housecleaning is piling up. I feel like a person (who is not a strong swimmer) standing in a swimming pool at the 5 foot section, a little overfilled, just barely keeping my face to the surface of the water, arched up on my tippy toes. Sure, I'm still technically keeping my head above water, but just barely!

This week we are finishing all the last minute preps for the church's 90th anniversary, the pictures, the cake decisions, the order of service, all the little extras. I'm also working on editing last weekend's wedding.

I had a senior session today, which was super fun. I ripped my last contact on Sunday though, and am condemned to wear my glasses (grrr) until my 'extremely unusual' prescription trial pair come in late this week. Shooting with glasses today was irritating, to say the least. Wearing glasses just makes me feel like I'm walking around in a fog, and I'm convinced they make me look tired.

Tonight I'm previewing pictures for today's session, and working on the church Christmas card which needs to be ordered by the end of the week. Tomorrow Rob is off (yay!) and the kids get out of school early, so we NEED to do something fun. I'm not exaggerating, sometimes I think our kids really get the short end of the stick and we need to do something about it tomorrow. I'm thinking maybe a park, or the beach, or a movie or even lunch. Not sure, but definitely need to do something!

Thursday I get my hair done, which I am so ready for! And we have parent teacher's conferences. Friday is scrapbooking with the girls from Trinity (yay!) and then prepping for the anniversary. Saturday is more anniversary prep and 2 family shoots that I'm totally looking forward to.

And so forth and so on until we get home from Youth Convention on the 21st, we'll do Sunday services on the 22nd and then it's one week of vacation for me and my favorite youth pastor. Man, I hope I'm caught up by then. Our house could use some serious attention!

Meanwhile.... I am so looking forward to some time with our kids tomorrow. And feeling like myself again with a fresh cut/color. And most of all, scrapbooking in the name of all things church. :) What a built in blessing! I can't wait to focus on something totally creative and unnecessary for a little while. I can't wait!

Everyone's doing good though. Eli's recovered well from his sinus/staph infection. He's still on antibiotics but his 'clicking' when he breathes has stopped. Sare's been a little cranky the past couple days, but last night and tonight early to bed seem to be helping. They are really looking forward to their early out tomorrow. Rob did a great job on the video 'history' of the church, I think the congregation will really enjoy it. I'm also really excited about his worship set for Sunday morning, he's doing a walk-through-the-ages type of thing, best songs from 1920-now essentially. I think it's going to be a beautiful service.

Ok, back to work so I can afford to play tomorrow. :)

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