Nov 1, 2009

Thankfulness and More

You've probably heard me say it a hundred times, but God is so good!

I say that and you probably think that I've got it all together and everything is coming up roses. Nope, not at all. Not even close! In fact, right now we are battling fleas on our cat (and have been since I got home from Iowa, so over a month already), Eli's got some kind of break out in his hair and is just drowning in snot from sinus issues, Sarah's teacher let me know that Sarah could use more rest, I'm completely overwhelmed with work/housework/ministry/personal growth tasks.... But God is so good and I'm so excited about what He's doing in my life and the ways that He is moving!

Brother Herb spoke this morning about being 'too blessed to be stressed' and I have to tell you that I am not there yet. But I know that I am immensely blessed. My kids are just amazing, I'm completely in awe of them as they are becoming these amazing little people going out in to the great big world, affecting it for Jesus, WOW, that is powerful to behold. Rob is my strength. He is so talented and forthright and just exactly what I need when I need it. He loves me in such a clear and consistent way, I'm so grateful to be hand in hand on this journey with him. I think about what he does on any given Sunday morning and it's incredible to me, his gifting and his calling. It makes me want to hold him up and help him anyway that I possibly can. And I do, we pray together before every service and post process afterwards and obviously I'm super-involved where ever he needs me. But I'm way amazed by him and totally in love with him at the same time. We are all growing in our household right now, and it's just really cool!

So blessed. Working on the stressed still. I feel like I have been in a constant struggle for balance ever since we moved to Baytown. It's been hard to find my place; with the kids starting school full-time and the seemingly ever-increasing demands of ministry and wow, running a household (all the mommies and wives know what I'm talking about there, that's a full-time gig all by itself) and then to add to it my photography business. But the photography thing is such an incredible blessing in itself. Not that it's been extremely profitable just yet, the start up and overhead costs have been far greater than I had initially anticipated, but so worth the effort. I love what I do with a passion I didn't know I had. There's such a thrill in working with people and creating with them. It's a natural high, let me tell you. I get such satisfaction when they are ecstatic about their results. It's just cool!

So as you can see, I'm not willing to put anything down. I love all that I'm doing. Every time I get to a point of 'overwhelmedness' I slow down long enough to think it through, pray about it, cry to Rob, and remember why I do all that I do. And then I move past overwhelmed right in to thanksgiving, God has filled my life with so many good things. So blessed.

Brother Herb also talked about being a blessing to others. I've been on this kick lately, having recently listened to and Craig Paschel speaking about 'Being blessed to be a blessing to Others' and it's really been a good challenge for me. I've been trying to give more in all areas of my life, just not holding back. God has been so good to me, it's good to give back even if it's simply out of thanksgiving!

Ok, well I'm tired. I've already written my to-do list for tomorrow and all I can say is oh dear. But it's Monday and it's going to be good. I'm excited for a new week. A big week. A family shoot on Friday and a wedding on Saturday, it's going to be great. Just around the corner is the 90th Anniversary and just beyond that is Youth Convention and then Thanksgiving. Rob and I are taking the entire week of Thanksgiving off and we are really looking forward to that!! Too blessed, let me tell you.

PS - I have all kinds of photos to share, but it's going to be a bit before I get that far...

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