May 6, 2006

I guess I was frustrated.

So, today is National Scrapbook Day. Seriously, an awesome day to celebrate my all-time favorite hobby. Plus, it's in May, so that makes it even more fun!
Not this year. :) My kids must have KNOWN it was NSD - they were so onery and cranky and NOT SLEEPY WHATSOEVER!!! Now, originally I had planned to go to an all-day crop up in Alton. But then we were asked to help a friend move - which is totally cool. So I was thinking I could pop into the crop later on in the day. Then my husband had minor surgery and thus RUINED OUR LIVES. Seriously, this is getting really old. I have a new respect for single parents, blah blah blah but enough is enough, I'm ready to have my husband (IE: disciplinarian/lawlayerdowner) back. I think the kids are on to him being disabled and all and trying to destroy me while the getting is good.
I digress. So no Saturday crop for me. Anyhoo, Rob's dad is here staying with us. cool. He suggests getting a sitter and going out - just adults. Sounds wonderful, but I am massively struggling with a sinus infection and thus not really having the energy to traipse through the Science Center (not sure where the disabled guy got his energy today, but whatever) and plus we went just last week. I'm thinking Sarah's tired and a little sick so she'll nap awesome and maybe I'll squeeze in a few hours of honest-to-goodness scrapbooking. PSYCHE!!! The little cretan didn't fall asleep until 4pm. I cleaned up the house and made supper just in time for Rob and his dad to saunter in and Sarah to wake up again. Grrrrr....
So tonight, the kids went down by about 8:30. I finished switching my laundry loads and bee-lined to my studio. I turned up the iRiver and cranked out my pages. Six in all. I think # of layouts is directly effected by the amount of frustration I had. Thankfully I got in my NSD scrapbooking and I am once again a sane mother and a happy crafter. All is right with the world.

PS - look forward to tomorrow, I've got about ten pages total to share. Woohoo!


LC Masterpiece said...

so I'm waiting for the new inspiration... almost as fun as waiting for a new garden at 2 peas. :)

antho said...

ooh, that's some pressure. Finally got them all up for you, hope it was worth the wait! :)