May 25, 2006

what a DAY!!!

Oh my word, I thought this day would never end. But alas, God is good and I'm still laughing about it now. Can't really think about what today cost us, one of those major grand total days that will go down in the Thoreson books as a doozie. But thankfully, it's over and the cha-ching of the cash register should quiet at least for the evening.

Tonight was the mother daughter banquet at church. I went to pick up our babysitter and we stopped for gas. When we got back in the car the key wouldn't turn in the ignition, the tumbler was locked. A massive flurry of phone calls and I had Rob on the way and a tow truck to pick up the car. Brittany was with me all the while, chatting away while I sweated like a stuck pig in the 90 degree weather, trying not to panic about the rapidly approaching banquet. Meanwhile, my happy thoughts of leaving for Springfield tomorrow are crashing quickly.

Long story short, we got the car to the repair shop, but he basically laughed when I said I had planned on going out of town tomorrow. (gee, thanks) Being Memorial Day weekend really puts a wrench in the works, we probably won't have a car until mid-week next week. fun.

Talked to Lori and Kim right away, trying to give them maximum notice. Guilt kicked in to high-gear, like I had some control over the car breaking. I just feel bad for putting everyone out. I think Lori and her family will be coming for the weekend, but it sounds like Kim won't, which bums me out because I was way looking forward to down time with just the girls, not all weekend with four kids. I really wish I could rent a car and just go anyway but it's really not possible for us to do that. And I don't know anyone here well enough to have the guts to ask to borrow their car for the weekend. I do think we will spend all day Saturday in Archiver's and scrap our little hearts out, which sounds awesome to me. I'm thinking other than that, we'll just hang with the fam and enjoy the weekend. Really just praying about it all.

The bonus is that Lori and Jay will get to hear Rob preach on Sunday night, and I'm super psyched about his sermon "Servant Evangelism" and the ideas that he's presenting to the church. Plus it's always good to hang with our friends, but really wish Kim was coming. Oh well, that's enough for now.

PS - the banquet was a huge success. major kudos to Kyndal, she rocks!!

1 comment:

LC Masterpiece said...

I can't believe you haven't updated your blog all weekend.... what in the world are you busy doing? You must have company over or something. he, he, he.
