Jul 15, 2006

More Six Flags Stories - in the words of my son - "It's not fun, it's FUN-TASTIC!!!"

I totally realize that I have basically been the worst blogger of all time lateyly, but our life ahs been sooo stinking wierd lately - I'm still adjusting.

But to reward you for your patience, I have TONS of fun photos from our week of vacation to share. We have gone back to Six Flags every other day all week with the kids. We'd go, take a day off, and then go again. We went yesterday, but then today we asked Nay to babysit (they adore her!) and took a date day to ourselves. Rob and I rode rollercoasters like crazy people - every one in the park - except Mr. Freeze - it's been closed all week - bummer. We did the Tornado waterslide to and I don't recommend it, unless you like getting beat up!

Anyhoo, my kids were awesome this week. They love to yell "VACATION!!!" and "SIX FLAGS" now!! (at the top of their lungs, of course) They have said and done so many funny things. Eli decided that Batman was captured in Mr. Freeze's warehouse since the ride was closed and we didn't see Batman until yesterday finally. He loved the Mine Train and the Log Flume. Sarah loved it all too, she rode almost every ride that Eli did - unless there were height restrictions. Sarah also learned the word "waterpark" which she now asks for every day. She likes to call it the "big tub". "More big tub Mommy???" Oh yeah, Six Flags with a five year old and a 23 month old, it's definitely the way to go!! :)

We seriously have had a blast. I am so glad that we decided to bite the bullet and spend the money for season passes. We have had such a wonderful time and it seemed like such a real (grown-up) vacation!! I think Eli will always remember it and we will all enjoy looking at our crazy pictures for a long time to come. I'm off to post some more pictures now. If you click on the picture you should see a description in the web address. Enjoy!

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