Jul 12, 2006

Vacation - day 3

We've been so busy lately. Having suddenly grown our family to eight has been a major adjustment for everyone involved. But, with a few growing pains, we are all working it out. Last night, Lori and I decided that we needed a break, since it is vacation and all! :) So after we made supper and did dishes, we let the guys take over with the kids and headed out to the Galleria for an evening on the town. We started at Crate And Barrel and I'm not sure, but I think Lori fell as hard for it as I did the first time!!! She was enamored! But they totally have a lot of really cool stuff on sale right now, it's just a very intriguing store. Then we crossed the street and hit the mall. I finally spent my GAP gift cards, getting a couple of pairs of pajamas, a new skirt and shirt. Can't wait to wear them on Sunday - except I just remembered we won't be in church on Sunday. that's sad. The skirt is really cute. oh well.

Today we'll be headed back to Six Flags - since we took the day off yesterday. Eli was beside himself with excitement yesterday when we told him. He loves Six Flags. I think I forgot to mention that on Monday, when we pulled into the parking lot there he said "I think I'm going to poop my pants, I'm so excited!!!". Rob and I laughed and laughed. Our funny boy! Hopefully it won't storm on us and hopefully we can hit the waterpark this time. Sarah says 'waterpark' now and keeps asking to go. hee hee. I'm really hoping to be there when they open this morning so that we can see the little old guy with the theme song. Eli would be pretty psyched about that. I hope that he remembers this vacation for years to come. I'm really glad we did it. :)

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