Feb 9, 2009

2 Weeks of Randomness on my Purse Camera

I don't know if I ever said on here that Rob got me a new point and shoot Nikon for my Christmas. This camera has officially become my purse camera - meaning I always have it with me. It's WAY better than the cell phone camera (blah!). I'm still not quite in the habit of remembering it, but I'm working on it! Anyway, I haven't cleaned it off in several weeks, so here are some of the crazy things that were on it. enjoy!

A few weeks back we had a sectional Speed The Light Rally, here's Sarah getting ready to put her money in the offering. :)
This is the famed Marty Burroughs motivating us on the subject of missions and giving.

These are some cute little birds I saw at Garden Ridge a week or two ago. I thought they were so adorable, but I'm being good right now and these birds stayed right where they were.

But this is what my car looked like when I left Garden Ridge that day. All stuff for the Fireproof dinner this Friday. Have I mentioned it's going to be amazing?
Here's me texting (at a stoplight, I promise). Amber and I went to see Bride Wars and we took a photo in front of the sign, but it's REALLY unbecoming, so it's in the recycle bin now.
You probably remember my pal, Jennifer. Here she is with Sarah 'fixin' to get a haircut. The monkey is Sarah's class pet, Moe.Jennifer, Bart and Rob and I participated in a night of Bunko last Saturday. Unfortunately, we didn't think to take a group photo :( but I did get a photo when I got a bunko. It should be said though, that Rob won the men's wins for the evening. And there were 68 people there!! I definitely think we need to bring Bunko to Trinity, I see our Goldenaires really getting into it!

And this is from last nights life group. Kevin taught me how to make gaucomole from scratch. Oh, it was soooo yummy!! I'm guessing I have a new addiction!!

We watched Fireproof on the wall during life group. Our students really enjoyed it. I did too, even though it's my 3rd time seeing it! :)

Katie cracked me up, she was really concerned during the car wreck scene!!So, lots going on. Rob's home with some sort of neck problem today. He says it hurts when he turns it at all to the right, didn't think he could drive himself to work! I'm pretty sure this is his first sick day since we moved to Baytown!! poor thing. And Sarah's home sick too, with a yucky cough and all congested. She's watching Wonderpets now.

I'm going to make an attempt at our taxes today, but I'm totally not afraid to bail and take them to a pro to get them done if I get in too deep. :)

Perhaps I'll find a bit of time to scrapbook today too. I did a bit on Friday night, so I have a few pages to share with you later. I promise to be better in the area of blogging, I've really missed it!!


Sheryl said...

I don't think I could of pasted up the cow and chicken that was next to the birds. You have more will power than I.

Autumn said...

Bunko?? My grandma wasn't behind that, was she?

antho said...

As a matter of fact Autumn, she is all in. :) We talked about it on Sunday.

Plus, we played at the catholic church (don't tell anybody) and there was an alternate universe bizarro Aunt Mary there - looked like her, but man, she had a mouth on her!! I had to hug on your grandma just to get my world righted again on Sunday morning!!