Nov 15, 2006

gobble gobble.

Yep, I bought our turkey today. I had to laugh because the register said "Tom Turkey $13.14" hee hee.

Got a super deal on it - $.69/lb. The nice lady at Walmart price matched it to Schnuck's for me, a whole 30 cents a pound cheaper than Walmart's low price. I bought a nineteen pound bird, the largest I've ever done, I'm pretty psyched. We are having 12-14 guests on Thursday and I know they say 2lbs per person, but a lot of our persons are little people so I am factoring that in. Plus, no one is staying for leftovers. I plan on freezing a lot of it.

I spent all yesterday cleaning house. Of course, I'm not done. The upstairs still needs tackled and it will all need refreshing long before next Thursday, I'm sure. But I'm not too worried about the house, making sure everyone has a good time is far more important to me.

We are hosting all the teenagers in youth on Sunday for a lunch and practice, I'm excited for that too, making chili and caramel rolls. yum.

This week is it - holiday kick-off at the Thoresons. We are decorating the house (in and out) on Saturday, so it will be all ready for turkey-day. Sunday is hanging of the greens and then it's a holiday flurry from there. Woohoo! I love this time of year.

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