Nov 10, 2006

good morning

Hi everybody. It's been pretty wierd here this week. More busy-ness. Yesterday I spent the afternoon tearing up my yard - pulling down 20 feet of Morning Glory (still not able to get it all - too far out of my reach), trimming hedges and whacking off these two monstrous bushes in my front yard. Now I have a gigantic pile of brush in the middle of the yard, waiting for Jim to come with his pickup truck and help me haul it off. I had to laugh, one of our teenagers last night said "I like what you did to the bushes, it opens up the front of the house." and I said "What? You mean how I moved them to the middle of the yard?" hee hee. But Joyce assures me, as sad and pathetic as they look naked this winter, they will come back alot prettier in the spring. So my faith is in her gardening ability, not mine.
As you can see from the photo, I also started putting up our christmas decorations - but I ran out of garland and need to go back this morning. Sarah and I are on our way back to Big Lots here in a few moments.
We had a candy making demo last night at WM's. And I won a sample box. Mmmm. So good. Tan really knows her stuff! I might be inspired to make some candy this year, beyond my usual caramels and sponge candy.
I also (Praise God!) got a good start on my christmas cards last night - which I still need to photograph and post. But I'm probably 1/2 way done with them, so that's cool. All while watching my shows last night, you can't beat that! Anyhoo, I've got errands to run and a house to clean and laundry to deal with. Off to make a dent!

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