Jan 22, 2009

16 Things

I'd seen this idea on a few blogs as of late and thought it was cool. So today I give you 16 things about me at this moment that you may or may not know.

1.) Every day I drive past 2 houses in my neighborhood that have been completely gutted and remodeled since Ike. One is in the older part of our neighborhood about 6 blocks away, and the other is literally 2 blocks from my house - same age and size as our home. It's surreal. I can't imagine going through that, that family hasn't lived there since the storm. I'm so grateful that our damage was so minimal in comparison.
2.) I really, really, REALLY love taking people's pictures. Seems like a no-brainer, but I mean it. I wish I could turn my business full-time, but I just can't take that time away from the church and my kids and my hubby right now. It's exciting to think about someday though.
3.) Facebook is amazing. I love being so connected with people, especially people I love all across the world, it's really something!!
4.) Right now I can't get enough of the "Rock What You Got" cd from Superchick. Surprisingly, although it's totally a rock album, the lyrics moved me to tears on the way to church last night. The whole album is amazing, but this song in particular gets me...

5.) I'm baking a chocolate cake from scratch this evening. It's actually my second cake of the day, the first one got frosted in a warm kitchen and hence all the chocolate slid to the plate. Here's the recipe for the redo - the first was just a box of Betty. http://www.hersheys.com/recipes/recipes/detail.asp?id=184

6.) I just used 'hence' in a sentence. Wow.

7.) I'm getting off work early tomorrow and I'm almost giddy about it. What's that about??

8.) Rob and I have taken to watching LOST again and I'm way into it. He brought home the projector from church to test it on the wall for the superbowl and I'm thinking it'd be way more fun than watching it in the office chair on the Mac. :)
9.) I, the one who owns a sewing machine purely for paper crafting, have been sewing lately. I have a couple really fun projects/surprises for Eli's birthday supper tomorrow night. I'll take some photos, I promise!! (and thanks Heather, for loaning me your machine while mine is under the weather!)

10.) I have been having a bad hair day for about 2 months now. I seriously hate it all grown out like it is now, but am working towards a new style and I'm soooo impatient. I debate calling Jennifer for an emergency cut like 12 times a day, I'm not kidding.
This is the big reveal of the haircut I'm going for, and it's still a long way off. I love the flippy/sassyness of it and I so know my hair could do that, if I don't attack it with scissors myself between now and then. :)

11.) I'm working on a new skit for Valentine's Day for church - got a special cast I'm pulling together and I'm pretty psyched about it! Stay tuned for details.

12.) I'm also working on the special plans for the Fireproof Valentine's dinner and a movie at church, I'm super excited about all that's going to happen there too! Enjoy the preview, this movie is amazing and I'm so thrilled to be sharing it at church!!

13.) I've wondered, am I the only one who was extremely disappointed in the music choices for the 'neighborhood ball' for the new president? I mean, come on, Beyonce? Shakira? Kayne West? seriously? It's disappointing to me to know that Mr. Prez listens to the music that is marked 'explicit' in the iTunes store. bummer. On that note, I'm just really sick of the celebrity status of our new leader in general. Stop goo-goo-ga-ing and let the guy get to work already. Looks like he has a really big job ahead of him.

14.) I have a serious addiction to Outback lately. Rob and I like to order Curbside after the kids go to bed and bring it home for a quiet date at home. The good news is that we split a meal and there's no drinks or tip. The bad news is that it's 2000 calories and it's still $15 that could go in our retirement account or on the sad little remainder of the ATP credit card. We are crossing it off our list until Valentine's Day and that will be our date that night.

15.) I finished an incredible book a little over a week ago. It's called 'the Shack' and I don't want to even tell you what it's about, but you should read it. Definitely a thinking book. It's also available on iTunes for about $5 as an audio book - which was a great way to take it in for me.

16.) Seriously, I am so tired and overwhelmed right now. I shouldn't even be on here, but Thursdays are supposed to be a day off, which means I should be able to do fun things like blog and watch tv - guilt free. I did work today, and spent a lot of the day prepping for tomorrows birthday stuff with Eli, but I could spend another 3 hours up and I just don't have it in me. Somedays, when I feel like this, I just have to put one foot in front of the other and push through a day (or event) at a time until it slows back down. I'd really, truly prefer not to live my life that way. And that's probably why I push in other things (like the special sewing projects) because I know this is the only life I have with my family and I want them to know how awesome I think they are. I can do it, some days I just can't think about it..

I think that's just about enough out of me for tonight. Love to you all. And because Thursday is winding down (aren't we sad to see it go?), Happy Friday!

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