Aug 28, 2009

A Black Rubber Blessing...

I have been praying for new tires since June.

If you remember, I got in a little fender bender in June. That morning, I had taken our car in to have a patch done on our left front tire. The nice man at the tire store informed me that we had about 5-10 thousand miles left on our tires. (now pause for a moment and consider all the traveling we have done this summer, much of it in our own vehicle) I did not know where the money for new tires - $600 to be exact - was going to come from. We have an emergency account, but Dave Ramsey does not qualify new tires as an emergency. :) I just kept believing that God was going to provide them.

I've taken to noticing the tread on my vehicle when I approach it to get in and go somewhere. Now I can see what the tire man foretold, the front tires are quickly balding. I've felt the car slip in the rain and slowed down and asked Jesus to protect us. Especially when Rob is driving. :) This week I started seriously talking to Rob about the possibility of buying used tires.

This morning, while I was picking up a few things at the grocery store, Rob called me. He was holding a gift certificate for $400 to Discount Tire that had been left in his inbox at work. What a blessing! I've since called Discount and negotiated a price of $470 and the tires will be put on our vehicle Tuesday.

I am reminded, AGAIN, that my God never fails me. I stood in the grocery store, fighting back tears, in awe and humbled that God loves me so much. And Eli, and Sarah, and Rob. But I am undeserving and it's amazing how He can use a little thing like tires to remind us of His awe-abounding grace. I am so grateful, for the tires, but even more importantly, for His continued vested interest in the mundane details of our lives. I am also especially appreciative of the faithful person who listened to God's voice in their heart and made that anonymous gift. What a blessing awaits them.

The irony in the whole matter? (not to God, I'm sure) is that 6 months ago we had a friend that experienced a blow out on the way to a meeting we were both attending. God pressed it on my heart to write him a check to replace the tire. No biggie, just acting in faithfulness. Here it is 6 months later and God has returned the blessing more than 3 fold. I love His economy. Don't you??

Pray about what you need this morning, rather than rushing to a credit card to solve your problems your way. See what God provides...

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