Aug 27, 2009


I'm so happy to see you, Thursday! I've been missing you, all summer it seems!

Funny how a day comes to symbolize so much more, isn't it? You know, Sundays = church, Wednesdays = church, Saturdays = rest (unless you are a youth pastor), Monday = beginning of the work day. For me, Thursdays = the day it is all made worthwhile. I should clarify that it's actually Thursdays during the school year. Thursdays are the day that Rob takes off and we set aside to reconnect with each other.

You are probably wondering why, if we are connecting, I am blogging and he is sleeping. Poor guy, he's so wiped out from a giant week (he's already put in 3 fourteen hour days since Sunday). I decided this morning to get the kids off to school and let him rest. But soon and very soon I will wake him up and we will decide what adventure we'll tackle between now and 3:42pm. :) I have several ideas of varying commitment levels. We've talked about seeing "the Time Traveler's Wife" at 11:30. Thought about going through old pictures. Talked about visiting one of the many museums in Houston that we've never seen. I've imagined us investigating the ReStore (Habitat for Humanity). We also have lots of home projects to get started on; painting trim work, repairing grout, reorganizing the kitchen and swapping out our bad fridge.

Honestly, I could care less what we do today. I'm just looking forward to getting his undivided attention for 7-8 hours. I do think I will work on an ongoing list of 'ideas' for our day off, so we can be inspired each week. His organized brain would probably really think that's cool.

Well, I just feel so blessed this morning. The kids are doing really well in school. Sare has had a really good attitude. Eli's only struggle has been staying on task in the am while getting ready. I think I'm going to make him a checklist to help. They both are doing great and we are going to the library tonight as a family for FFN. Then tomorrow Rob will be away (another series of 14 hour days between Friday and Monday - boy that man needs his extra sleep this morning) so we are going to have a special first week of school celebration. I'm going to print the pictures from Monday am and string them across a ribbon. We'll watch a movie and have popcorn and stay up late. It will be special. ;)

Personally, I'm doing really well. I've been delving into my Bible study time and it's so cool how God is speaking to me. I've had another dream, last week, actually, but it was too personal to share on the intraweb. :) Really amazes me that God has been showing up in my subconscious so much, I have been praying that it would continue to happen, if it's not too bold of a request!

So excited about what God is doing in youth group too. Rob spoke about 'reaching your apex' last night. The apex is the highest point (like a mountain) and how we are on a journey in life and with God alone can we reach our apex. Our students really responded, I think 7 of our 18 kids came up for prayer last night, which is HUGE for our group. I was so excited to pray with them!! We have so many jr high kids right now and I look at them and all I see is excitement and potential! I don't think in our 13 years of youth ministry (volunteer and full-time) that I've ever experienced this level of expectation... I know God is gearing up to do something incredible in these students. I'm really praying that they would have faithfulness as they grow into high school, maintaining a high commitment level as they enter into the real world 5 and 6 years from now. So many people today have such a lack of commitment... God requires us to be a faithful people!! And the blessings in store for the faithful, wow.

I guess I've just gone off this morning. Ok, considering it's my blog. :) Ready to go do my morning quiet time. Just wanted to spread a little love on this beautiful Thursday. Blessings, my friends.

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