Dec 1, 2009

December Already??

Is anyone else in shock? Wow, this year has gone so incredibly fast. Fastest year of my life, I'm convinced. Most exciting perhaps? Definitely the most personal growth. wow.

Well, today is a much-needed catch up day. And I'm grateful for it! I'm finished editing until my 3 sessions this weekend (yeay) and other than laundry and a little bit of housework, I'm seriously considering scrapbooking today.

We had a very relaxing week of vacation. Got almost nothing done. But that's not a bad thing, even in my world. :) We did manage to get our home decorated for Christmas, so that's a plus. Still need to finish up our outside lights, one of our strings had meandered over to church so we needed to retrieve it before we could officially 'light' the house. I love this time of year though, even coming home to a decorated yard makes you feel all warm and cozy inside!

I was messing around the other night and snapped a few pictures of our favorite ornaments on the tree...

This was our very first ornament as a married couple. I love Barbies and always have. The vintage bride barbie ornament happened to come out that year.

Lori made us this one back when we lived in Ozark. Man, those kids are small! Sarah was 3 months old!

Sarah made this one at LGA a few years ago.

Eli made this one in kindergarten..

And this one I made while we were living in Illinois. Just got a wild hair to make a bird ornament, I guess..

And this one is from 1983. I made it in my pre-K class. I remember drawing on it with yellow marker afterwards. And now, having a 'creative' child myself, I know exactly how my mom felt when she found me drawing on it with the yellow marker. sheesh! Apples don't fall far from trees, do they??

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