Apr 26, 2010

Keeping Time

Wow. It's been a while again. It's crazy, because I find myself blogging in my head, when I'm busy doing something else. I definitely have things to share, just no time to set down and get after it, I guess. Which is crazy, you would think during this crazy season of our lives that I would have nothing but time, but it seems to be the oppposite. Maybe because I'm squeezing everything normal into our lives on Monday-Thursday, and then traveling to San Antonio on the weekends. Somehow it makes everything seem more crammed, and try as I might, every day I can't seem to get it all done.

This morning's been weird. I woke up late and my allergies are really worked up, plus I think I must have a mild stomach bug. So I just feel like I'm moving underwater a bit. I really need to sit down and do my bible study, which has been my lifeline this past month. But I wanted to prep the house first, in case we get a call for another showing. (we had two over the weekend, and a third cancelled) Anyway, I was headed towards my room to do my quiet time, but then saw the computer and thought about how long it had been since I blogged. So I'm pushing the pause button for a few moments and doing this first.

I titled this post Keeping Time because I feel like that's what we are doing right now. It's just kind of this strange waiting room to be living in. I'm really doing pretty good with it over all, most of the time. God is definitely sustaining me. Today's not my best and brightest, but I'm pretty sure that's just cause I'm not feeling that great. Mondays are always a bit tough, going back to face another week of waiting. I picture a metronome on the piano, and just wonder how many clicks we are counting towards. But with that in mind, I know that God's will is perfect. I can see how He is using this time to grow our family, to grow my passion and love for Him.

It was funny, while we were in SA this weekend, I spent all Friday working the parade with Rob and then went to a graduation party that night, literally no time for quiet time, from the moment I got up until the very end of my day. I prayed while I put up chairs, and I read a few Psalms before my eyes fell shut that night. And by Saturday morning, I felt spiritually parched. Rob and the kids went for scooter rides with Pastor Doug and I holed up in our room with some worship music and the Word. I don't think I've ever been at a point where I craved it like that. awesome. That's God's growth in me right now. That is exciting, and when I think about what God is doing in me, I'm refreshed to continue this season. When I think about how I feel and the endless waiting stretching out before me, I get depressed and sad. So guess what I'm choosing to think about! :)

Also wanted to share a few photos from the weekend. I'm so in love with my kids right now. Even though single parenting is extremely difficult and I rarely feel up to the challenge, I still think they are amazing.

PS - We did have an offer on the house yesterday. But it was insultingly low. I didn't realize how insulting until I did the math and realized we'd need to bring about 10k to closing. Sheesh! We countered, and haven't heard anything back. It expires in about 2 hours, so I'm not holding my breath. I'm praying that there's a better offer out there, that the right person will come and buy our house and it will be a blessing to them like it has been to us.

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