Apr 14, 2010

Random Photos from Our Day

Trying hard to focus on the kids. Took a few photos today.

This first one is them video chatting with Daddy. They are totally loving that! To Sarah, it's just a giant mirror. Lots of competition to lead the conversation. It's pretty hilarious to watch them try to outdo one another. Rob and I just sit back and giggle.

Then at dinner this evening, they've been enjoying the great prices on cantelope right now. Neither of them can get enough of it. I had to laugh at this site of both of them picking under the saran wrap for seconds.

Sarah had to love on the cat, always. Doesn't Maddie look thrilled with the notion?

And my intellectual child, just had to grab a snapshot. Man, I love these kiddos.

Last but not least, we are no longer a one car family. We've moved up in the world to a one car and one scooter family. Rob and our new pastor found this scooter (brand new out of the box) at about 65% off of retail price. It seemed to be a very good solution to our transportation issue. Just praying he stays safe on it. Couldn't beat the insurance price, $76 a year!!


Laci said...

How fun, Anna! Love Rob's scooter...very youth pastor-ish! Y'all are making such great memories right now...they may not seem so great right now, but you'll look back on them (after the transition, when you're settled again) and remember what a wonderful time it was, just trusting in God for every step along the way! Oh, and my kids are so digging the cantaloupe too...we went through 2 big ones in a day and a half! Praying for y'all.

antho said...

Thanks Laci. I appreciate the words of encouragement. We are doing alright. Ready to be reunited! :)