Oct 24, 2008

Feeling Christmas-y

Do you ever get that way? I guess it's just because I've been working on my cards already, or maybe that I really need to be feeling some 'goodwill toward men' but I'm getting in that holiday swing already. Hey, it has to hit early for us crafters or we find ourselves in the lurch in mid-November. :) I started baking a bit yesterday, and man that felt good. Plus, it's just been so cool lately (for southern tx) that it's just started to feeling more like the holidays. I've been tempted to light a fire the last few nights, but I know it's really not that cool yet. Anyway, I'm working on a few special projects for church this holiday season and with one of them I came across this survey and it just seemed like fun.

1. Does your family send out Christmas cards? YES! about 120 of them this year. goodness.
2. How soon do you start shopping? as soon as I feel like we can afford it. or can't afford not to. :) I'm a terrible secret keeper, so I can't start too terribly early.
3. Who do you shop for? my immediate family.
4. Do you put up a Christmas tree? the day after Thanksgiving. although this year, we'll be roofing the day after Turkey day, so it may have to wait a bit.
5. If so, is it fake or real? unfortunately fake.
6. Do you like tinsel? nope. not at all. much to Sarah's chagrin.
7. Do you use homeade or storebought ornaments? I like homemade.
8. Do you put Christmas lights outside your house? a few. we are pretty conservative. (mostly cause we're cheap)
9. Do you put lights on the tree? it's pre-lit. we are lazy too.
10. How about popcorn and cranberries? Oh for sure. the kids love doing that!
11. Is there a wreath hanging on your door? Yes, red berries. hoping to replace it this year, it's looking pretty ragged.
12. Christmas Eve - Do you celebrate it? We always dress up and go to candlelight service, take a family photo and open one present. (usually pajamas) And then after the kids are asleep we get out all the presents and spend some quality time snuggling near the fire.
13. Do you hang up your stocking? of course.
14. Does your family read "Twas the night before Christmas?" sometimes.
15. Favorite Christmas Movie? the Santa Clause.
16. Favorite Character from any Christmas Movie? eh.
17. Favorite Christmas Song? Silent Night
18. Favorite Christmas Memory? toasting marshmallows with the kiddos in our fireplace last year.
19. Give or Receive? hmmm. equal. Gifts are my love language.
20. Eggnog or Cider? Dr. Pepper should be an option.
21. Red or Green? lime green
22. Ham or Turkey? Honey Baked Ham
23. Star or Angel? Star
24. White Lights or Colored Lights? white
25. Blinking Lights or Still Lights? still
26. Were you Naughty or Nice this year? depends on who you talk to. :)
27. What do you want for Christmas this year? a new point and shoot camera
28. When do you open your gifts? after I've put on my makeup and done my hair.
29. What's the best gift you've ever gotten? my engagement ring from Rob
30. What's the worst gift you've ever gotten? can't really think of any.
31. Who gives you the most gifts? historically, my mom.
32. Have you ever had a secret Santa? nope. sounds like fun though.
33. Do you like wrapping gifts? yes.
34. Do you put change in those red buckets? always.
35. Do you burn a yule log? no. that sounds dangerous.
36. Can you name all the reindeer? probably. it's a requirement with a 7 year old in the house.
37. Do you bake cookies? all year round
38. Have you ever seen your mommy kissing Santa Clause? no.
39. Have you ever gotten a kiss under the mistletoe? yes. back when we were dating.
40. Do you go caroling? I like to. but I like to sing.
41. Do you drive around and look at the Christmas lights? every year.
42. Have you ever left Santa cookies? always. :)
43. Have you ever sat on Santa's lap? yes
44. Who do you celebrate Christmas with? my dear family. we are so blessed.
45. Where do you celebrate Christmas? at home if we can at all do it. it's important to have traditions for you kids.
46. Have you ever had a white Christmas? almost always. not likely this year though.
47. What part of Christmas do you look most foward to? The children's programs, sitting with our family in church, Christmas morning.
48. Does your family always take a picture at Christmas? Yes, always. I love seeing our children grow and change, I'm so very proud of them.

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