Oct 6, 2008

Manic Monday

The quiet is deep this morning. Rob and the kiddos took off about 20 minutes ago and I'm just sitting here enjoying the noiselessness after a busy weekend. It's a lull in the storm, because starting this evening we dive into another week of insanity. Funny how it all comes back in a hurry, right?

The good news.... Rob took his ordination test on Saturday and did fantastically. We'll now call him Pastor Rob. J/K. He's actually already Reverend Rob, free to marry and bury as we say, but ordination is the next step. Basically, it's the hierarchy of the church saying, "yes, you've been a pastor for a while and we can see that there's a call of God on your life oh, and by the way, we'd like a little more money each month". :) It's actually really a beautiful service and I'm really excited for it to take place at District Council in April.

But we aren't quite there yet, we have our interview on Thursday. I'd better keep my mouth shut, I could blow this whole thing for him yet, don't you think?? :) I'm a little nervous for his interview, but I'll just try to keep quiet and let him with his Bible degree answer all the questions.

So today I have serious editing catch up to do, I'm two shoots behind. I also have a huge house to do list, we are still trying to decide when is the right time to put it on the market. I have a few more things to do; ie paint the shed, organize the garage and declutter the kiddos rooms. We have yet to hear from our adjuster, but I'm trusting eventually they will call, right??

Tonight there's a sectional youth meeting, and the exciting part is that we are having Chickfil-A catered in. yipee!! Plus, it's really fun to get together with the other youth pastors in the area. Should be a fun evening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't be nervous about the interview. You guys will do great. And don't stay quiet through it. They want to hear from you too because you are an integral part of Rob's ministry. After all, he couldn't do it without you, could he?

Y'all will do fantastic. Those guys are so nice. When we went through the process for Dan, they were just really encouraging and uplifting. Good luck!