Aug 21, 2005

17 layouts later... Well, I think I'll call it a weekend. I cannot believe my stamina this weekend. I'm in awe of myself. (so humble, aren't we???) I have never scrapped 17 lo's in a week even, let alone a weekend! Usually I do about 11 and then take a week's sabbatical because I feel so badly about neglecting my family. But no neglect too place here. I still did dishes, fed people, washed 4 loads of laundry, spent quality time with the kids, and even went to church this morning. I was just extremely productive for a change. Now I don't want to stop. But I'm tired, and tomorrow's Eli's first day of pre-school. (gasp!!!) Both kids need baths in the morning and Sarah's got a well-baby/shot appt in the am. (ergh) My sister is coming tomorrow too, which I'm excited about, but that means I need to clean up at some point. I'd like to make Eli some chocolate chip cookies too, as a first day of school treat. We'll see how it all goes. Can't believe my baby is headed to pre-school. I feel so old!!! He's so excited. I'll talk more about it tomorrow.

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