Aug 30, 2005

Deep breaths. It will all be alright. No panicking. You are an adult, God is big, and He promised He won't give you anything you can't handle. Breath in, breath out.

Can you tell I'm trying to keep it together? The kids are great today. It's not that. I'm not even stir-crazy. In fact, I scoured my house top to bottom today, even the kitchen floor (ACK!) and the bathroom (double ACK!). I was being all productive and whatnot, trying to pass this first crazy long day without Rob - 6:30am to 10pm. Then I checked on our checking account, today is payday, Rob's check usually appears the day before payday (yesterday) but it hadn't so I was certain it would be there first thing this morning... And no. It's not. Deep breaths. Don't think about the fact that I wrote an absolutely necessary check for diapers and gas yesterday to the tune of $70. (geez) Don't think about overdraft charges. (double geez!)

So I'm oh-so-carefully processing that information when the appliance repair guy comes. The verdict on our washing machine? Bad transimission. I nearly laugh at the irony. Transmissions. Rob and I have no luck with transmissions. 3 cars we've gone through with crappy transmissions since March. And now a washing machine. Any laughing I considered halted abrubtly when he handed me the bill for $59.95 for the two minutes he took to look at my 20-year-old almond Maytag. (deep breaths, Anna, in and out, deep cleansing breaths).

Half my job as a SAHM is laundry. What do I do?? My dear hubby says "plunge and scrub dearie, plunge and scrub". But I'm reminded that he's no Tom Cruise and if I looked like Nicole Kidman we wouldn't be in this predicament. No, no panic here. I'm just interested to see how God works this one out. Trying not to tally the damages. Ah, what the heck... The past few months have claimed three cars, starting with The Lemon Caddy, then the so-sad story of the Chrysler mini-van (which I'm still sulking about)and the Ford LTD. Now the Cougar is limping home on it's last leg, can it make it four months??? Not with our luck I'm sure. Then our desktop massively goes down in a blaze of glory. Not just a bug, but totally toasted, irrepairably damaged after an electrical storm. Next we have the digital camera, which suddenly stopped working, randomly lost power. I can't even get the repair place to answer my emails at this point. And now the washer. What's next? I'm past throwing in the towel, now I'm just in it to see how this all ends! It's like some wierd greek tragedy and I can't look away!

I'm seriously not usually this cynical, this is just a very strange time in my life. Speaking of transition though, we are waiting to hear about the interview Rob had last Friday. I'm very excited about the possibility, it sounds like an incredible church. Great location too, central IL. Sounds homey. I wish we were moving tomorrow, but packing is helping my frame of mind.

Guess that's enough whining for now. It will be interesting to see how this all works out in the wash! (no pun intended!)

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