Feb 21, 2008

4000 Things On My Mind

Do you ever feel like your brain is spinning in so many directions it's dizzying? Lately, our life has been so.... full... that it's hard to slow down and process things. kwim? So I'm going to have a little verbal diarrhea here, so pardon my mess.

1.) I start work tomorrow. Yep, you heard me. I'm diving back into the career world. Well, sort of. Not really. I'm helping out in the church office one day a week. I've been a little quiet about it because I didn't want it to get out and hurt everyone's feelings. But anyone who stops in the office tomorrow is going to know it anyway, so I'm outing myself. :) Pretty excited to work again, that's a big deal.

2.) I have another photography shoot on Saturday. That, my dear, is exciting! It's a baby shower, so that's kind of an unusual genre. And it will be mostly indoors, so that's definitely more difficult. I need to brush up on the 2Peas Shooting Indoors PDF before then.

3.) Rob installed a cat door today. I'm pretty much convinced that he is a rock star and can do anything. We wanted Toby to be able to have his litter box and food out in the garage, but obviously can't leave the door open all the time. So that was a good solution. Of course, he's too terrified to go check it out yet. :) Silly kitty.

4.) LOST comes on in 3 minutes. I'm excited, of course, but sad to watch without Rob. It doesn't seem right. He's finishing up worship practice about now and I'm sure will be racing home any minute.

5.) We test drove vehicles today. Which is always terrifying and exciting simultaneously for me. Right up there with having dental work done. Our beloved 1997 Dodge Intrepid complete with massive sun rot and minus the air conditioning is really starting to have some issues and we have been wondering for quite some time when it will be time to replace dear Ole Max. Please pray for us in this decision, car purchasing has always been an ordeal for us, and I don't really know why.

6.) I am so thankful for Lori and her ongoing mentoring/listening/processing to me. She's a true friend.

7.) Tomorrow night we celebrate all things 90's in our twenty-something group. Rob and I got some rad outfits from the Goodwill today and we are pretty psyched to go retro on everyone tomorrow night. :) Should be fun.

8.) Our kids are enjoying their first sleep over with their friends tomorrow night. We are trading kids with the Cannos and it should be a ton of fun.

9.) I love that 'Sync' commercial where the chick with coffee says "Door. Open" and walks smack into the class door. classic. It just came on tv.

10.) I'm really enjoying most of the Juno soundtrack. There are a few songs that could have been left off the cd, but overall, it's pretty fun.

11.) So that's only 11 things, but it seems like a lot.

12) Yep, I thought of a twelfth. I totally overuse the word excited. I'm sorry. It's just who I am. :)

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