Ok, so I am finally sharing some of my photos from the Power Force hanging out at our church. Rob got some brick-busting lessons from Josh, that was pretty cool. And I look like a dwarf with this group - it's funny. They did an amazing job with the students in the schools, it was really cool to be a part of that. I'm exhausted though, of course. Today we finally took off. I ran the kids to school this morning and then ran to the bank and Target. Came home and messed around with our budget for a while, talked to Kim, talked to Lori. Before I knew it, it was time to pick up Sare already.
When I got home from that I called Lori again, for real this time and we got down to the business of the budget. I love that things make sense again now that we sold the white car. Whew. It's exciting, getting back to the Dave Ramsey way of life, working on an emergency fund and pre-designating every dollar. I know that there will be so much more freedom in our budget. Doesn't probably make sense, but it really works for us. Just glad we can finally be back to that.
So tonight one of Eli's little friends from school called. Cutest thing ever, those two boys talking on the phone. :) We were getting ready to take Eli and Sare to the mall for a belated birthday dinner (his actual birthday was crazy) so I asked if Israel wanted to come with. We had a great time, CFA, the mall play place and a cookie. yum. Eli was surprised and pleased.
Lot's of things spinning through my brain tonight. I've got a skit to script (the plot is sketched out) for next Sunday's am service. We are working on a new major project to present during our support staff on Monday night. Tomorrow at noon I've got an engagement photo shoot. (yay!) I desperately need to clean my house - man it's bad. And tackle laundry. But I've been really fighting a cold, Rob too, so we tried to lay low today. We are both sniffling and hacking right now. The Superbowl is this weekend, so I've got a few things to pick up for our party at the Canno's on Sunday night. I'm also working on the planning of our "I Love the 90's" night for 20's and 30's in a few weeks. And of course, the youth room hallway still needs touching up - hopefully before Wednesday night. I'm anxious to get started on making our house ours too, that's another of my big resolutions. Which, I am checking in on. Doing ok, definitely making progress in most areas, except Dr Pepper, totally fell off the wagon there. Not a good time to quit an addiction, with all the stress we've been under lately. :)
So I've talked your ear off tonight. Details. It's my blog, remember??
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