Mar 27, 2010

Blogging is a habit I need to pick back up. I think what's happened is, that as things got crazy with the transition, I've turned more to my prayer journal than anything. (a very good thing) But if you are a Anna-thology follower, you know how important the historical documentation of the Thoreson household is to me. :) So today I'm making an effort again.

Last night we hosted a movie night at Trinity. It wasn't a brilliant turnout, and it was a bit chilly (58 with a stiff breeze), but we all managed to have a good time. "The Prince Of Egypt" was our film of choice and it was well received, as was the movie theater popcorn and hot cocoa (a must in that kind of a climate). Plus I scored a huge deal on the popcorn, so it was ok that we had tons left over. :)

I was super thrilled that Jen and her family joined us. I'm going to miss this face so much, I can't hardly think about it. But God will bring new faces into my life and I'll fall in love again and my heavenly family will just continue to grow! Plus San An is only 4 hours from Baytown, totally do-able.

So I realized yesterday that I haven't hardly picked up my camera except to work lately. I hate that. I never want my love of photography to be reduced to 'photography for hire'. I think I've just been in a funk this past month, and I'm determined to get out of it. Who knows, maybe I'll pick back up on Photo 365. It's looking like I may have some time on my hands in the next few weeks, unless God moves and everything changes (which I am not trying to minimize that possibility whatsoever!). So here's a little start for you...

Sarah, hanging over the back of the couch. This girl is such a nut, let me tell you.

Eli watching tv. He's been really struggling with his allergies lately. Baytown pollen count very high = Eli very sick. We are trying about 5 medicines right now. ugh.

The kids playing together on Sare's ds.

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