Mar 29, 2010

Sunday Recap

What a lovely day yesterday. I thought it was going to be so hard, like that last two Sundays have been. But God is so good and it was really wonderful. Lots of hugs, only a few tears and those were mostly in worship. Rob did a wonderful time leading worship. It's been so neat to watch him grown in that role. I will really miss him leading on a weekly basis, but I'll be excited if he actually gets to worship with me on Sunday mornings. (not holding my breath though, his mad guitar skills have already been commented on, so he'll probably wind up on the worship team again sooner than later).

At one point we sang "Holy Ground" and the lyrics 'we are standing on holy ground and I know there are angels all around' and I got choked up, thinking about all the angels at Trinity. I always have a soft spot for our senior saints, and Trinity has some beauties. I will miss them all so very much. But again, I am reminded that moving on is an opportunity to love new people, and though I'll miss our Trinity folks, I'll see them again. Isn't heaven a perfect plan? God's so good.

The church surprised us with a love offering and a dozen roses. I was totally overwhelmed. I've never in my life gotten a dozen roses. In the car on the way home, I was holding them to keep them out of Sarah's reach (she's mesmorized, of course) and I was thinking about how I'd been talking to God about depending on Him wholly these next couple months. The last few days I've been praying that He would be my husband while we are walking through whatever we might walk through until the house sells. I felt that settle in my spirit on Friday and Saturday. Sunday, He brought me flowers. :) Pretty good husband, right? ;)

So I have to share a photo. And of course, Sarah jumped in. You may notice that there are only 11 roses. We stopped to see Aunt Mary on the way home and thought she needed a rose too. She's doing so much better, it just warms my heart to see God do miracles of healing. We about had church too, so many folks from Trinity had the same idea on the way home from services. She just seemed to be taking it all in, loving having all those people in her room. Good stuff.

Then one more photo, from this morning. We were all in our master bath, getting ready for the day. Funny how we have two bathrooms, but we still manage to wind up all in the same one on a daily basis. Anyhoo, Eli noticed that we were stair stepped. Sarah comes to his shoulder, he comes to mine, and I'm just above Daddy's. So we had to pause and take a photo. :)

Ok, back to work. I've got editing (always) and prep for our very special celebration service on Wednesday night. Praying I get a lot done today!

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