Mar 23, 2010

Sharing a Feeling or Two...

I've been thinking a lot lately... thus the lack of blogging, I suppose. Sometimes I just have to internally process before I project it out there on the web.

The last month has been so difficult. I don't even know how to put it into words. In some ways, I've grieved like someone has passed away. It's been so tremendously hard to say goodbye at Trinity. As bad as it sounds, I wish our last day was already here because each interaction, each conversation, it draws it out longer and I feel so emotionally spent already. I'd love to just run up to the front of the church and wave my arms in the air and say, "Nevermind, we changed our mind!"

But, some bells can't be unrung, right?

And I know, in my heart, that we would not be honoring God with my altar run. And I for one, never want to run to the altar in disobedience. The altar is a place to experience God, to answer a call, receive one, to ask for healing, to receive healing, to stand in for others, to give thanks and praise for all that God has done in your world.. No, certainly not a place to disobey God.

And obedience is why I keep stepping forward out into a strange new world. Every phone call made, every box packed, every hug squeezed out a little longer. Every day, I pray, "God please sell our house" even though it almost pains me to say those words. (I love our house, we've put so much sweat equity into it, but that's another post entirely). My mind is fully engaged in this move, but my heart is a little more obstinent.

Long ago my mother preached a sermon, right before I left for college, I believe. The crux of this sermon was the story of Jesus's first miracle, the Wedding at Cana (irony for the dry A/G girl that I've grown up to be). If you remember, the wedding celebration had ran out of wine. Mary, mother of Jesus, asked her son to help. Jesus told her it wasn't His time. Mary responded by tellling the servants to do whatever He asked. Jesus told the servants to fill the jars with water. They did. The water was changed to wine. Mom's main point of this sermon was that "obediant servants can expect a miracle". The servants acted in obedience, did just as Jesus asked, and the whole wedding celebration experienced their miracle. This sermon has been a foundational cornerstone in my life for well over a decade now, but just yesterday God brought it over my mind again, reminding me to be obedient. We'll receive our miracle. Our house will sell in this super-saturated buyers market. San Antonio will be amazing and we'll be blessed and God will use us there in whole new capacities.. And the wedding celebration (Trinity, and CT Church) will be blessed in the process, because of our obedience.

I don't want to sound un-excited for our future. I am very excited for all that God is going to do in San Antonio. I'm excited for a new home, new friends, a whole new ministry, a new client base. I actually like change for the most part. I'm just very sad to say goodbye to Baytown, and specifically the people that we've come to know and love these past 3 years.

I was very blessed today though. I know God knows how I've been feeling these past few weeks.. But today, I got to participate in a little miracle that blessed two friends and that was encouraging. While I was on the phone helping get those folks connected with their common need, my realtor's office called and they've finally scheduled our realtor group walk-through for tomorrow. We've been waiting for this for three weeks now, we signed papers literally 12 hours too late for the last one. So far, only our realtor has been in our home, so this is huge. I am praying that the presence of God is all over our home tomorrow, that these realtors are just drawn to it, that they feel a love and a warmth in our home beyond understanding and that God would immediately bring to mind clients that would like to purchase it. I'm still believing that God can and will provide an offer on our home by April 1st. Will you pray that way too? I laugh, because the previous owners told us that this house was a 'lucky house' and I would tell the next owners, 'not lucky, blessed', because we have been so blessed the entire time we've lived here.

I was also blessed by an interaction with one of our new congregants on FB. They are just extremely excited for us to get there, and that kind of excitement is contagious. And encouraging! I love a new adventure, and San Antonio certainly will be all new and adventurous!

Ok, well that's about all I've got to say about that. Back to editing now. God has brought me all kinds of sessions this week, and I'm grateful for the busy work. He is so good!

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