Mar 15, 2010

The Sign In Our Yard Says We're Moving.....

Wow, this is a post that God has been working on for 7 months.

We announced our resignation at Trinity yesterday. In the words of my husbands letter "the decision to come to Trinity was the easiest decision we've ever made in ministry, and the decision to leave Trinity was the hardest decision we've ever made in ministry." We love Trinity. We love the people, we love the church, we love the area. Our family has flourished these past 3 years. We've grown in ministry, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. We learned so much, tried so many things, and really soaked up every moment we've been here.

When Pastor first told us he was contemplating retirement, we were resiliant. We were both set on staying here at Trinity through the transition. (just a little aside, in our church's by-laws, when a new senior pastor is hired, associate clergy staff have to submit a resignation for the new pastor's acceptance or rejection) We are both very loyal people, and still felt very called to Trinity. Months passed, we didn't waver on that decision, even at the encouragement of others. Pastor announced his upcoming retirement in the beginning of February and still we hung on. Finally, at the end of February, God really started speaking to us about our time at Trinity winding down. I would say we both fought it. Neither of us wanted to leave out of fear. We'd like to think we could work with anyone. :) Plus, it just didn't seem like a good time for Trinity to face another loss. But in the past 2 weeks, God has made it really clear that to stay would be disobediance to Him. We are loyal, but we aren't stupid. :) So yesterday, amid tears and prayers and hugs, we told our church family. And they recieved it with such grace and understanding, I was completely humbled by the experience. Even our students. God is so good. He's in control, and I trust Him completely.

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