Mar 31, 2010

Final night at theLOFT...

Can't believe tonight was our last night at theLOFT. But it was. And hubby is officially unemployed for 3 days. :) Vacation, I guess. The days will go fast though, lots of meals with friends and photo shoots. And then Saturday we are San Antonio bound, heading off into a whole new life.
Going to miss these faces though. Service tonight was super fun. We had a trivia game, worship, the video, and some final thoughts from Rob and I. Then we wrapped it up with a big cookie from Great American. They kind of messed it up, but I don't think anyone noticed other than me. I was trying to be a little laid back about it, but that kind of thing is hard for me.

The theme for the night was 'I Love theLOFT'. I wanted to have bumper stickers made, but they were going to cost $3.5o each and that seemed like an abuse of our budget.

One last photo of us as the youth pastors at Trinity. Sunday, we start all over again.

(the little video I made today to show during service, it was well received)

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