Jun 12, 2007

Feeling Overwhelmed

Those of you who walked through the last move with us may remember the trials we had with Sarah. Apparently she hasn't outgrown it. With each box we pack, the more volatile she becomes. I guess she really hates change?? We've had a rough morning thus far. I spent an hour in Alton looking for boxes. (grr) and came up with ONE. Very frustrating. I'm just about ready to give up and buy boxes, only because I don't have time to search! It seems like everyone crushes boxes now, rather than letting people take them. We scored quite a few yesterday from Walmart and ShopNSpend, but have not been that lucky today. And my pile is quickly dwindling.
I guess I could really just use some prayer. I have a lot to do in the next few weeks and I think it's going to require some grace.

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