Jun 26, 2007

Oklahoma City

Yay!! Access to the internet. I felt like I was beginning to develop a twitch from the withdrawal! No pictures for you today, although we've taken TONS the past few days, but it's complicated using someone else's computer. I can't wait to share our pictures though - so many good ones from Sunday and then some really cute photos of our moving crew in front of the truck.
We arrived in OK City last night about 10:30pm after ELEVEN hours on the road. Three of which could have been avoided without poor customer service, but that's life, right?? We stayed up until 1am talking to my Aunt Char (whom I totally adore) and then I slept poorly - I guess I'm excited or something. So I was up at 5am, but the good news is I got my quiet time in and I'm feeling some what refreshed and ready to tackle the day.
So.... we were perusing online last night and there is an IKEA literally 5 miles off our path in Dallas this morning. YAY!!!! We wound up leaving our ancient press board desk in the parsonage because we decided it just wouldn't make one more move. But we can find something really cheap and FUN at IKEA, so that will be a fun break today. Map quest says it 488 miles but Aunt Char and Uncle Gary say it's 8 hours tops. We'll see! See you in Houston!!!

PS- So I'm glad we bought the extra insurance on the truck. Rob accidentally took out a brick mailbox last night in Aunt Char's subdivision. Oops!! But it was super dark and hard to see, I guess it happens all the time here. crazy, huh? So pray for my new mail box at my new house. Rob has to maneuver the truck around it too!! :)

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