Jun 10, 2007

Who's House Is This??

So glad you asked. It's ours. :)

I know. It's crazy. And what is even crazier is that it is in Baytown, TX. We just accepted a youth and music pastorate at Trinity Tabernacle.

I know I've been really quiet on my blog lately, and that's a lot of the reason. We have known about our interview for almost a month and last week we flew down to meet the pastor, the church, see the community, etc. It's just a perfect fit. I'm sure it seems sudden to everyone around us, but we know that it's God and completely what we are supposed to do.


We have two weeks to completely pack our home and get our rears down to Texas. I've known for one full week, and have yet to pack a box. We've just been really inanely busy with travel and house closing details and everything. We are securing some boxes tonight and the packing flurry begins.

Please be praying for us in these next few weeks. We have a lot on our plates. :)

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