Sep 12, 2007

hanging in there

I'm pretty sure I said last time how busy this week would be. yeah.

But it's so good. I love our life. I'm so thankful to be here, to be doing this. To be working so hard for God! It's amazing.

Today I snagged a bonus day. We are trying Sarah out on a 3 day a week schedule, Tues-Thurs. She loves school and is doing really well. Her teacher asked if she could come more than two days a week, so we are trying it.

So I have a gagillion phone calls to make today, some expo-ing to catch up on, groceries, etc. But right now I'm still in my jammies and just being thankful. I'm not a slacker though, I've been up since 6am, gotten my family bathed and fed and lunches packed and off to school. I'm just catching up on some computer time now.

Oh, and I'm listening to the new Greys Anatomy 3 soundtrack. yay! It came out yesterday and it's available on itunes, so check it out! I'm posting a video of one of my favorite songs right now. It's kind of ironic, young folks. But I love older folks, and anyone who knows me at all, knows that's true. But I love the whistling in this song, it just makes me happy!

I'm so excited about church and all the cool things we are doing. I promise, when I have some down time to really go into it I will. But the tip-offs include a new young adult launch and a youth room remodel. yay! I love our life!

PS - I promise and exciting blog post tomorrow... that's all I can say for now. (wink)

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