Sep 30, 2007

a little sad...

Because I'm starting to realize how it's totally fall back home. The leaves are turning, the apple orchards are beckoning, the air is crisp and cool and I'd be pulling out the sweaters.

Not complaining. It's just going to be a mental adjustment for me. I have always adored the change of the seasons, as one wraps up I'm always ready for the next one, kwim? I loved the distinction of the seasons (esp in Iowa) and I have missed that for some time now. But seriously people, it's still like 89-92 here on a daily basis. My yard is still massively growing and the tree in the front looks like it's never going to let go of any leaves. It's just strange.

I will say I am thankful that I've always had an appreciation for fall and I don't think I've ever taken one for granted. I've taken time to enjoy long walks with bright blue autumn skies and smelling the harvest. I didn't anticipate leaving the Midwest, but I enjoyed my seasons there to the fullest. And here, well I really appreciate the ocean and the seagulls in the parking lot at Target. And we have so much rain here, it's so pleasant to awaken to the sound of rain on your rooftop.

just sentimental tonight. needing some sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You're not missing much. It was 95 degrees all weekend. The leaves and grass are still very green.

Miss ya,