Jan 5, 2008

Trashing The Dress

I truely hate that term, as trashing my beautiful gown was not the overall idea of this photo shoot. Rob and I wanted to do something special to celebrate ten years and an ultra intimate photo shoot seemed like the perfect (inexpensive and fabulous) way to do it. And my dear husband was so into it, I am thankful! We explored the Strand and we wandered up and down the beach. Leah did a fantastic job and we are super grateful!! Charlotte kept up with Sarah and that was a task in itself. Overall we had such a fun time and I love the pictures. There were twenty-eight awesome ones, and a lot of other ones I really liked. :)

The weather really cooperated, I'd been praying about it literally since about October when I first concocted this crazy idea. God just totally blessed us with a 70 degree day and it was brilliantly partially overcast, just enough to make the lighting really interesting.


Sheryl said...

Wow 10 years of wedded bliss! I really didn't know you guys when you got married but you both make it look so easy!! I just love the photos! It looked like it was a lot of fun. Be thankful that you can still fit into your dress. There is no way I could ever fit into mine.

antho said...

thanks Sheryl! And to make you feel better, I really didn't fit in it - I jerry-rigged it in the back and I couldn't move my arms above my elbows. :) but it was still a good time and we are both thrilled with the results!

Oh, and we so enjoyed your Christmas letter and pictures!!

The Sermonator said...

Anna, These are Amazing! I especially love #'s 2, 5, 6, 8, 15 and 16! #2 could be the cover of a romance novel! Beautiful. Leah did a phenomenal job! Of course, she had great material: you and Rob. She has truly captured the romance. I'm glad you did these and delighted you are sharing them. Love you